Culverts as a means of protecting wildlife and its habitats
In the light of the rapid development of urban and transport infrastructure, it is worth considering ways to mitigate the negative impact of roads on wildlife and natural environment. It is all about the heightened mortality of animals, barrier effect, pollution from exhaust fumes and noise. Especially the two first ones seem very alarming. Each year, tens of thousands of animals are killed as a result of collisions with cars. Moreover, roads threaten the continuity of wildlife passages and lead to habitat fragmentation, thereby impeding animal migration.

Concrete – the world’s number one building material
Concrete is by far the most popular and, at the same time, very resistant and long-lasting composite material, used all over the world to build basic building elements (foundations, walls, flooring), road pavements, bridges, runways, and many innovative and daring architectural structures. Using concrete became the norm during the 20th century, and today its almost as common as the global consumption of water. Then what is so special about this well-known building material?

Drainage of roads vs. their safety and quality
An effective road drainage system is absolutely fundamental to the structural integrity and stability of the road, and consequently, to its safety and quality. It consists of both surface and sub-surface water drainage, the aim of which is to prevent flooding of the road, protect the bearing capacity of the pavement and the subgrade, avoid the erosion of side slopes, as well as to control the level of groundwater.

Road surfaces – construction, maintenance and new technologies
Road infrastructure seems to be a topic that, especially in Poland, provokes heated responses anytime its raised. It became even more controversial after Poland joined the EU, and several years later prepared for Euro 2012. These two events created a great need to improve Polish road network so that it would meet the European standards. In addition, in view of the ever-increasing traffic volume, building durable, safe and eco-friendly road surfaces seems to be a must.

Electrical safety at home
The electrical system is an integral part of every home. As it generally requires very little or no maintenanceon a yearly basis, it is often taken for granted.This attitude, however, seems too risky when it comes to electricity. The figures speak for themselves;in Poland, unsafe electrical installations cause around 8,000 fires in homes each year. They result in almost 300 deaths and many more seriously injured. Therefore, it is important to follow some basic rules to keep the house safe from potential electrical hazards.

Nuclear power industry – to fear or not to fear, that is the question
There is no denying that nuclear power industry invariably provokes strong emotions and stirs upconsiderable controversyamong scientists, politicians and, above all, among the general public all over the world. Especially recently, in the aftermath of the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plantin Japan last March, there has been a great deal of heated debate about the future of nuclear energy in Europe. Its supporters insist that it is a relatively cheap and cleansource of energy (compared to oil, gas and coal), whereas its opponents argue it is a real threatto the mankind.

Carrying out construction work in winter
It is getting cooler outside and the calendar reminds us that winter is inevitably drawing nearer. Undoubtedly, because of unfavorable and often highly unpredictable weather conditions, it is a hard time to perform any type of building work. But sometimes, to keep to the building schedule and avoid delays, you have no choice but to continue the work even in low temperatures.

Keep up to date and bring natural light into your home right now
In todays world, in which carbon dioxide emissions, global warming as well as constantly rising energy costs are ever increasing problems, the use of natural resourcesseems to be a priority. One of the central aspects of sustainable design is making the most ofnatural light. Contemporary architects are introducing innovative, advanced daylightingstrategies and systems that help not only to save energy but also to ensure a comfortable and healthy living space.

Quiet home or how to ensure the acoustic comfort in a building
We are exposed to noise nuisance almost on a daily basis. It is no wonder that, when we come home, we are longing for a bit of quiet and peace. Whether we live in a modern apartment, a block of flats built of large prefabricated concrete panels or a house outside the city, we all want to enjoy acoustic comfort within our own four walls.

Green office buildings – the future of commercial architecture
Green office buildings, constructed with a view to the latest ecological technologies, are gaining widespread popularity in the real estate market, among both tenants and investment funds. Consequently, more and more investors and developers are deciding on building green, that is according to LEED or BREEAM environmental standards. The main principles of innovative sustainable architecture revolve around energy and water saving, environmental footprint, and worker productivity.
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