Keep up to date and bring natural light into your home right now

In today’s world, in which carbon dioxide emissions, global warming as well as constantly rising energy costs are ever increasing problems, the use of natural resourcesseems to be a priority. One of the central aspects of sustainable design is making the most ofnatural light. Contemporary architects are introducing innovative, advanced daylightingstrategies and systems that help not only to save energy but also to ensure a comfortable and healthy living space.

Green office buildings – the future of commercial architecture

Green office buildings, constructed with a view to the latest ecological technologies, are gaining widespread popularity in the real estate market, among both tenants and investment funds. Consequently, more and more investors and developers are deciding on building green, that is according to LEED or BREEAM environmental standards. The main principles of innovative sustainable architecture revolve around energy and water saving, environmental footprint, and worker productivity.

A dream house? Get to know the latest trends in home building

A house with a view of the sky, a house made entirely of glass, or an eco-friendly house that powers itself – these are only few examples of modern architecture. All around us, there are more and more buildings that are nothing like those constructed several years ago. New materials and technologies are reshaping the way we build. With an appropriate budget, we can create almost anything, and the only limit seems to be our imagination.

The National Stadium in Warsaw – history, facts and figures

The 2012 UEFA European Football Championship, undoubtedly one of the most eagerly anticipated sporting events in Poland, is just around the corner. It is estimated that almost a million fans from Europe and around the world will head to Poland for this tournament. There is no denying that Euro 2012 will provide an excellent opportunity to promote our country – especially Poland’s host cities. Definitely, visitors’ attention will be drawn to the ultramodern National Stadium – the main Euro 2012 tournament venue, which will host three first-round matches, one quarter-final, a semi-final and, most importantly, the opening match combined with official opening ceremonies.

A good ventilation system in your house – the key to healthy and comfort able living environement

Our health, comfort and well-being depends, to a large extent, on indoor air quality, and hence on our home's ventilation system. Basically, while working, sleeping, relaxing, or simply living, we spend most of our time indoors, rather than out in nature. Therefore, alongside paying attention to exhaust fumes from vehicles or power plant emissions, we should also consider the problem of air pollution in our homes.

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