Underfloor heating systems

Now that the winter weather is really setting in, coming back to a warm home is all we want after a long and cold day out. The investment in your home heating system is thus an especially important decision, usually taken every few years or even less frequently. A good system should not only provide thermal comfort for occupants, but also be durable, reliable, energy-efficient as well as easy to use and maintain. Among a whole range of options available, it is worth taking into account an underfloor heating system that has recently gained in popularity. We can choose from two types of underfloor heating – electric or wet.

Reduce, reuse, recycle – a safe and efficient way to manage construction waste

It is estimated that the construction industry in Europe creates over 400 million tonnes of waste per year. It includes unused or damaged materials, off-cuts, packaging and other waste produced in the course of construction, modernization and, in particular, demolitionof buildings. An ever increasing amount of waste, a shortage of landfill sites, environmental pollution, depletionof natural resources, energy consumption, as well as economic factors – all of these impel us to look for solutions that would enable better management of construction waste. So, where to start then?

Different types of interior paints

Vinyl, acrylic, latex, polyurethane, silicate,structural, or maybe ceramic paint – which is best to use on internal walls and ceilings? Recently I was faced with such a choice myself and realised that, despite appearances, it is not an easy decision. One needs to take into consideration a whole range of brands, types, colours, textures and finishes(like matt, gloss,semi-matt, silk or satin). In addition, paints differ from each other in terms of durability, VOCcontent, resistance todirt, abrasionor mildewand other key characteristics. Therefore, it is so important to select them carefully for each application and performance requirements.

Construction machines – the different types and their uses

In today’s world, construction machines are the backbone of every construction site. Their strength and versatility are useful while building roads, bridges, tunnels, underground stations and various types of buildings and building structures. The use of machinery at particular stages of the construction project, from earthwork to foundation work to above ground construction works and finally to finishing works, significantly speeds up the investment process and sometimes allows to reduce the overall cost. The main thing, however, is to select the appropriate equipment, taking into account the type and size of the work as well as machine efficiency.

Culverts as a means of protecting wildlife and its habitats

In the light of the rapid development of urban and transport infrastructure, it is worth considering ways to mitigate the negative impact of roads on wildlife and natural environment. It is all about the heightened mortality of animals, barrier effect, pollution from exhaust fumes and noise. Especially the two first ones seem very alarming. Each year, tens of thousands of animals are killed as a result of collisions with cars. Moreover, roads threaten the continuity of wildlife passages and lead to habitat fragmentation, thereby impeding animal migration.





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