Building a house – traditions, customs, rituals, superstitions and myths

We have passed the time of customs and rituals related to celebration of All Saints' Day, Polish Independence Day, St. Martin's Festival or St. Andrew's Day. And we head toward Christmas, rich with many beautiful traditions. Interestingly, there are also customs and superstitions which are linked directly to the construction industry, especially building a house. Many of them are forgotten, while others lasted for centuries and are still known nowadays.

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a set of rules and provisions concerned with creating working conditions that do not endanger the life and health of workers.

Basic OHS requirements are described in Chapter X of Polish Labour code, the regulation on general occupational health and safety provisions (JoL. of 1997, No. 129, item 844 as amended), Polish Standards, and other regulations. The National Labour Inspectorate (PIP) supervises the compliance with OHS rules and provisions.

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