Prestressed concrete – why is it back in fashion?

Concrete is a construction material that can be found on each and every construction site. Depending on the type and proportions of ingredients in the mixture, there are many different kinds of concrete. In addition, new technologies, modern admixturesand mineral additives bring about a continuous improvement of its properties. A good example is prestressed concrete, the use of which helps to overcome concrete’s major weakness, which is insufficient tensile strength. This technology was developed in 1928 by Eugène Freyssinet. Today, prestressed concrete is widely used in the construction industry.

Home fencing – different types and materials

Fencingis one of the key elements while building a home. Not only is it the face of your property, but it also marks its boundary, gives a sense of privacy and security, as well as protects against noise, dust, fumes and uninvited guests. Then one should take care of its proper selection and installation. Fencing should match the design and style of the building, be resistant to weather and mechanical damage, and serve the household for many years. Finally, the type of fencing you choose depends largely on your preferences and budget. One thing is certain – with such a variety of fencing materials, styles, colours and patterns, everyone will find something suitable.

Roof tiles – a combination of natural aesthetics and the highest quality and durability

Choosing a roof covering is a key decision when building or renovating a home, made once in many years and sometimes even once in a building’s lifetime. Regardless of the roof type – whether sloping or flat – in the first place one should ensure that the roofing is watertight and durable to keep the house warm, dry and energy efficient. Of course, aesthetic considerations are also to be taken into account. If it is a pitched roof, the covering is the most dominant element of the house. Then roof tiles seem the best option as they not only effectively protect the roof from the weather, but also give it a timeless classic look.

Underfloor heating systems

Now that the winter weather is really setting in, coming back to a warm home is all we want after a long and cold day out. The investment in your home heating system is thus an especially important decision, usually taken every few years or even less frequently. A good system should not only provide thermal comfort for occupants, but also be durable, reliable, energy-efficient as well as easy to use and maintain. Among a whole range of options available, it is worth taking into account an underfloor heating system that has recently gained in popularity. We can choose from two types of underfloor heating – electric or wet.

Reduce, reuse, recycle – a safe and efficient way to manage construction waste

It is estimated that the construction industry in Europe creates over 400 million tonnes of waste per year. It includes unused or damaged materials, off-cuts, packaging and other waste produced in the course of construction, modernization and, in particular, demolitionof buildings. An ever increasing amount of waste, a shortage of landfill sites, environmental pollution, depletionof natural resources, energy consumption, as well as economic factors – all of these impel us to look for solutions that would enable better management of construction waste. So, where to start then?

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