Things you need to know about chimneys



The main function of any chimney is to vent smoke and flue gases from a fireplace, furnace, stove or a boi-ler directly into the atmosphere outside. Nevertheless, in order to perform its function effectively, the chimney should suit well the specific appliance and the fuels it uses.

Nowadays, there are two main kinds of chimneys on the market to choose from, masonry and factory–built ones. The former, made of bricks or stone, undoubtedly incorporate traditional beauty. They are also the most versatile of all and best serve stoves and gas fires. Brick, having already been fired, can withstand intense heat much better than other materials. One must remember, however, that masonry chimneys require flues or vertical openings that control airflow to the fire.

The factory-built chimneys, usually found in modern homes, are made of stainless steel, are insulated, and are generally quite varied by the way of construction. The metal insulation traps heat better, as well as allows air to circulate in the chimney.


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No matter what kind of chimney you choose, you should inspect and clean it each year. Not only does it restore the function of your chimney, but it also makes you and your home safe. Otherwise, you are at risk of being poisoned by carbon mono-xide fumes. What is more, corroded chimneys can lead to a chimney fire which can destroy your house.

Creosote and soot, the natural byproducts of burning fuel that are present in the form of a highly flammable black layer on the inside of a chimney, need to be regularly cleaned. It may be done either with the use of brushes, or with the help of chimney sweeps who will turn the creosote buildup into an easily removed powdery substance.

One should also beware of another harmful byproduct of burning fuel, namely carbon monoxide. Exposure to even low levels of this colorless, odorless gas may cause serious illnesses or death. To avoid that danger, it is better to install carbon monoxide detectors on each floor of your house as well as have the chimney annually inspected by professionals.


Magdalena Marcinkowska




chimney – komin

to conjure up – przywoływać

to stuff down – przeciskać się

industrial – przemysłowy

billows of smoke – kłęby dymu

charm – urok

to vent – wypuszczać

flue gases – gazy spalinowe

fireplace – kominek

furnace – piec

boiler – kocioł

to suit – odpowiadać

appliance – urządzenie

fuel – paliwo

masonry chimney – komin murowany

factory-built chimney – komin systemowy

versatile – uniwersalny

to withstand – wytrzymywać, znosić

flue – przewód (kominowy)

stainless steel – stal nierdzewna

to trap – zatrzymywać

carbon monoxide poisoning – zaczadzenie, zatrucie tlenkiem węgla

to lead to – prowadzić do, spowodować

soot – sadza

byproduct – produkt uboczny

highly flammable – łatwopalny

chimney sweep – kominiarz

buildup – nagromadzenie

to beware – uważać na

odorless – bezwonny

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