Hydraulic Engineer



HRK’s Client – Bechtel is one of the world’s leading engineering, construction and project management companies. Today the company has about 40 000 people delivering some of the most complex projects in the world.

Saudi Arabia Bechtel Co. is currently searching for specialists to work on the Jubail Industrial City project in Saudi Arabia. Jubail II will add a second industrial area to house up to 22 new primary industries. The project calls for the expansion of King Fahd Industrial Port, pipeline refurbishment, increasing capacity of the cooling system, and new desalination plants.

Hydraulic Engineer

Location: Jubail, Saudi Arabia

SSA/08/HE Accountability:

* Preparing Computer models for hydraulic systems including seawater cooling canal system, potable water distribution networks, surface and subsurface drainage networks, and wastewater treatment systems;

* Reviewing A/E water and wastewater system design for Jubail 2 packages;

* Updating forecast curves for potable water demand, based on industry and residential forecast;

* Reviewing existing water and wastewater design capacities vs. requirement for compounds and commercial lots developed by private investors;

* Providing input for planning purposes on needed expansion in water and wastewater facilities to meet expected growth;

* Knowledge of Bechtel Standard Application Hydraulic Model CE099, other models such as Water-Net or approved equivalent to determine pressure distribution in water network system and provide preliminary design of network expansion;

* Reviewing hydraulic and system design by plant suppliers, for water and wastewater facilities expansion;

* Supporting investment department by reviewing proposed design for industrial wastewater submitted by the industries.

Key Technical Skills:

* Graduate degree in Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics (M.S., Ph.D);

* Experience in the design of hydraulic systems;

* Strong background in hydrology and surface and subsurface drainage engineering;

* Previous experience on major water projects;

* Substantial knowledge of water distribution systems, industrial and sanitary wastewater treatment facilities and collection systems;

* Knowledge of computer codes related to hydraulics of water and wastewater system design.


* Attractive salary including benefits;

* Full relocation package;

* Work in the international environment;

* Great opportunity to develop career within one of the world’s leaders.

If you feel that you are suitable for such a role please email your CV in English for an immediate interview. sabina.sawicka[<@>]hrk.pl

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych i wprowadzenie ich do bazy danych firmy HRK S.A z siedzibš w Warszawie przy Pl. Bankowym 2 w celu przedstawiania mi ofert zatrudnienia, zgodnie z przepisami ustawy z 29.08.1997 o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz.U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 z poŸ. zm.). Przyjmuję do wiadomoœci, że przysługuje mi prawo wglšdu do treœci moich danych oraz ich poprawiania.


Telefon: +48 22 596 96 96

Email: sabina.sawicka@hrk.pl

Województwo: zagranica





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