What is Glulam timber?
Structural glued-laminated timber, also called Glulam, is one of the most versatile and widespread of engineered wood products. It is a material bonded from several layers of suitably selected, dimensioned and prepared pieces of wood, called laminations.

Virtually any species of tree (softwoods and hardwoods) or their combinations can be used to manufacture glued-laminated timber, as long as their mechanical and physical properties meet the relevant requirements.
1. Dopasuj następujące gatunki drzew do odpowiedniej kategorii:
ash, aspen, beech, birch, cedar, elm, fi r, larch, maple, oak, pine, spruce, yew
hardwoods | ………………………………… oak, beech, birch, ash, maple, elm, aspen
softwoods | …………………………………pine, spruce, cedar, fir, larch, yew
The glued-laminated timber production process permits the creation of large structural members combined from much smaller pieces of wood of varying grade, strength, and stiff ness. The manufacturing process includes drying and grading the timber, assembling the layers of cut timber into longer laminations, glueing, finishing, fabricating the elements and, if necessary, applying preservative treatment. Th e technology used in these processes minimises shrinkage and swelling, and resultant splits and warpage aff ecting the strength and appearance of laminated members.
2. Dopasuj następujące słowa i wyrażenia do odpowiedniego etapu produkcji:
structural adhesive, glue extruder, moisture meter, visual inspection, sanding, planing, drilling holes,
sealing, creosote solution, oil-based and water-based treatments, kiln, knot size, quality assurance
drying | ………………………………… moisture meter, kiln
grading | …………………………………visual inspection, quality assurance, knot size
glueing | …………………………………structural adhesive, glue extruder
finishing and fabricating | …………………………………sanding, planning, drilling holes, sealing
applying preservatives | …………………………………creosote solution, oil-based and water-based treatments
3. Properties
Przymiotniki i przysłówki. Uzupełnij luki:
combustible, easily, inherently, lightweight, long, relatively, substantially.
Compared with sawn timber as well as other structured materials, glued-laminated timber off ers a number of advantages. It is both aesthetic and durable, can be (a) ….. easily installed in various weather conditions, permits (b) ….. long spans and unlimited shapes. Its (c) ….. lightweight structure and insulating properties result in cost eff ectiveness of ground preparation, erection and heating. Moreover, without the physical constraints imposed by the manufacturing plant and method of transportation, the potential size of a piece of gluedlaminated timber is unlimited.
Wood is (d) ….. inherently environmentally friendly and as such off ers an alternative to other structural materials like steel and concrete. Th e environmental advantages of glulam timber production include renewability, low energy consumption and recyclability. Although a naturally (e) ….. combustible product, glued-laminated timber can resist fi re and preserve its load carrying properties longer than unprotected steel. It has large cross-sectional areas and chars (f) ….. relatively slowly, which, combined with the application of fi re retardant coatings and impregnation, (g) ….. substantially enhances the length of exposure to flames.{mospagebreak}
4. Application
Glulam timber is widely used in exterior and interior applications as well as industrial structures – roof and fl oor systems, columns, rafters, frames, arches and compound curves, trusses, trimmers, beams, ridge beams, fl oor girders, stair steps and strings, bridge strings and decking, poles in power transmission towers and other utility applications.
Do których słów w powyższym akapicie pasują definicje?
1. a firm border in which a window or a door is enclosed frame
2. a long stick or post set upright in the ground to support something pole
3. a strong beam that supports a fl oor, roof, or bridge girder
4. a structure supporting a roof or bridge truss
5. one of the large sloping pieces of wood that form the structure of a roof rafter
5. Dopasuj słowa o zbliżonym znaczeniu:
5. Przetłumacz zdania z tekstu na język polski.
d). glued-laminated timber off ers a number of advantages drewno klejone ma wiele zalet
e). without the physical constraints imposed by the manufacturing plant and method of transportation, the potential size of a piece of glued-laminated timber is unlimited bez fizycznych ograniczeń narzuconych przez fabrykę i transport, potencjalna wielkość drewna klejonego jest nieograniczona
f). enhances the length of exposure to fl ames zwiększa długość wystawienia na działanie płomieni
g) Glulam timber is widely used in exterior and interior applications drewno klejone ma szerokie zastosowanie wewnątrz i na zewnątrz
6. Przetłumacz zdania na język angielski.
Zastosuj: board, trunk, sawmill, adhesive, facility, cantilevered, slope, performance.
2.Wytwarzanie drewna klejonego wymaga wyspecjalizowanego sprzętu, klejów i budynków fabrycznych.The manufacture of glued-laminated timber requires specialized equipment, adhesives and plant facilities.
3.Systemy wspornikowe są popularne w budynkach o nisko nachylonych lub płaskich dachach. Cantilevered systems are popular in buildings with low- slope and flat roofs.
4.Kleje muszą sprostać wymaganiom dotyczącym jakości i trwałości. Adhesives must meet performance and durability requirements.
8. Słowotwórstwo. Uzupełnij tabelkę:
noun | verb | adjective |
suitable | |
permit | ||
vary | ||
strength | ||
apply | ||
preservative | ||
recyclability | ||
resist |
Artykuł zamieszczony
w „Inżynierze Budownictwa”,
luty 2008