A holiday walk on the Sopot pier


Being called “the Pearl of Sopot,” the pier is one of the most popular recreational and entertainment venues in Poland. Each year, thousands of tourists visit this place, mainly due to the high concentration of iodine, which is twice as high as on land. Apart from having health benefits, the pier also serves as a mooring point for cruise boats and yachts.

The history of the Sopot pier dates back to 1827, when it was built by George Haffner. Over the years, the original 31.5 metres long construction underwent significant changes. It was lengthened first to 150 metres, and then to 315 metres. In 1927, the major reconstruction of the pier was undertaken, the result of which is its present shape, consisting of the main deck (511.5 metres), lower decks, and the side deck.Since then, only minor repairs and conservation works have It is worth mentioning that the Sopot pier is built mainly of wood and based on wooden posts, which are constantly exposed to sea water. For example, in the years 1976–1977 and 1990–1991, the forehead and the side deck of the pier were seriously damaged by violent storms. The accidents inclined the local authorities to strengthen the construction by shoring it up with I-beams in the form of steel girders. Consequently, the combination of wooden and steel beams produced a kind of grillage, able to bear heavy load.



Steel girders were also used for building a nearby marina, which can berth more than 100 vessels. In fact, steel and reinforced concrete structure under the water aims to disperse the energy of the waves, thereby making the marina prepared for severe weather conditions.

Without any doubt, both the Sopot pier and marina come up to the expectations of seamen and visitors, providing them with a whole range of facilities and attractions. So, if you haven’t decided where to go on holiday yet, do not hesitate – come to Sopot.


Magdalena Kaczor




pier –molo

well-deserved  –zasłużony

hustle and bustle – zgiełk i zamęt

to set off – wyruszać

venue – miejsce

health benefits – właściwości lecznicze

mooring point – miejsce cumowania

to undergo significant changes – przejść znaczne zmiany / przeobrażenia

to lengthen – przedłużyć

to undertake – podejmować się, przedsięwziąć

deck – tu: pomost, pokład

minor – drobny

post – słup, pal

to be exposed to – wystawiony na działanie

forehead – czoło (przednia część) mola

to incline – skłaniać

local authorities – władze lokalne

to strengthen – wzmacniać

to shore up – podpierać

I-beam – dwuteownik

steel girders – stalowe belki

grillage – ruszt (belkowy)

to bear heavy load – wytrzymywać duży ciężar

marina – przystań, marina

to berth – przycumować

vessel – statek

reinforced concrete – żelbetowy

to disperse – rozpraszać

severe weather conditions – trudne warunki pogodowe

to come up to expectations – spełniać oczekiwania

a whole range of – mnóstwo

to hesitate – wahać się





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