The home plumbing system



Typically, it consists of three basic parts: a water supply system, fixtures (sinks, bathtubs, showers, toilets) and appliances (water heaters, dishwashers, etc.), as well as a drain-waste-vent system.


Fresh water, provided by either a municipal water company or a private underground well, enters a home through a main supply line. This, in turn, branches off and heads into a water heater, from which hot and cold water is carried throughout a house, and may be controlled with faucets and valves.


Next, waste water enters the drain system and must flow past a trap, the aim of which is to prevent sewer gases from infiltrating your living space. Because the system works entirely by gravity, waste water may flow downhill through a series of drain pipes in order to reach a sewer line, and finally be carried out of the house to a city sewer system or a home septic tank.



In some older homes, the most common ones are lead, copper or cast iron. Currently, the supply and drain pipes are usually made of plastic (PVC). In fact, the plumbing system can be made of various materials. Yet, you have to ensure that it is watertight and corrosion-proof.



Without any doubts, it is hard to
imagine a family house without access to running water or the system that can remove our household waste water safely and efficiently. Thus, for your plumbing system to work well, always remember about some basic issues:

– All the pipes should be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions;

– Drain pipes must be connected to vent pipes;

– Every fixture drain should have a trap;

– Horizontal drain lines must be properly sloped to ensure that waste water is carried away;

– You should check pipes and faucets for any leaks.


Magdalena Marcinkowska




plumbing system – instalacja kanalizacyjna

tenement – kamienica

to adhere to sth – być zgodnym z czymś

water supply system – instalacja wodociągowa

fixture – armatura

appliance – urządzenie

water heater – terma

drain-waste-vent system (also: drainage system, drain system) – kanalizacja sanitarna

municipal water company – wodociąg miejski

well – studnia

faucet – kurek

valve – zawór

waste water – ścieki, woda odpływowa

trap – syfon kanalizacyjny

sewer gas – gaz kanałowy

to infiltrate – tu: przenikać

to work by gravity – działać na zasadzie grawitacji

drain pipe – rura ściekowa

sewer line – kolektor kanalizacyjny

city sewer system – miejski system kanalizacyjny

(home) septic tank – przydomowa oczyszczalnia ścieków

lead – ołów

copper – miedź

cast iron – żeliwo

watertight –szczelny

vent pipe – rura odpowietrzająca

horizontal drain lines – poziomy kanalizacyjne

slope – spadek

leak – pęknięcie, szczelina

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