The Ins and Outs of House Building



The first step in designing any house is to find the right location. In fact, the decision where to build is an irreversible one and may influence the resale value of the building. Therefore, you should consider factors such as a rural or urban environment, proximity to schools, work, shopping centres, emergency services, parks and amusements, roads, public transportation, municipal services, etc. You'll also have to look at the land zoning, the soil quality, nearby street traffic, noise, and trees. After this, the next step in the house design process is to prepare a site survey.



At this stage, a residential architect plays a crucial role as he or she, after a thorough site analysis, provides preliminary house concepts and rough sketches of the exterior. It is also high time to prepare and approve a preliminary budget of house building.


© Valerijs Kostreckis –



The construction will yield the best results when you take into accountsome important things such as layout of rooms, plan for light, entrances and exits. First of all, whereas large living room or common areas should be placed toward the front of the house, its back should have the rooms that aren’t used by everybody, namely bedrooms or study rooms. Secondly, a good house design allows a good amount of natural light into the room throughout the year, which may be achieved through appropriate planning for windows, removing wall dividers from main rooms, as well as adding skylights in the roof. Finally, each house should have enough entrances and exits, including the main entrance in the front yard, side exits, a back door, and all the doors around the house.



Once the house design is developed and the final floor plans, sections and elevations are decided upon, you must make sure your project complies with the standards, laws and regulations. A building inspector is a resource that will help you to ensure your plan complies with the municipality's requirements in matters of electric power, water supply and sewage.



When building a house, it is better to opt for quality over quantity. Thus, you had better get the best contractor for the job you can.Once a contractor is chosen, a construction schedule is drawn up and the building of your home begins. The architect will make periodic visits to ensure that the construction stays on track.






ins and outs of sth – tajniki, szczegóły

foundations – fundamenty
roof dach

to ensure – zapewniać, gwarantować

site selection – wybór lokalizacji

irreversible – nieodwracalny

resale value – wartość odsprzedaży

rural environment – środowisko wiejskie

urban environment – środowisko miejskie

proximity to sth – bliskość, sąsiedztwo

municipal services – usługi komunalne

land zoning – zabudowa i zagospodarowanie terenu

soil – gleba, grunt

site survey – obsługa geodezyjna

residential – mieszkaniowy

preliminary house concept – wstępna koncepcja domu

rough sketch – wstępny szkic

to approve – akceptować, zatwierdzać

to yield the best results – przynosić najlepsze efekty

to take into account – uwzględniać, brać pod uwagę

layout – tu: rozmieszczenie

common areas – wspólne pomieszczenia

wall divider – ścianka działowa

skylight – świetlik

side exit – boczne wyjście

construction permit – pozwolenie na budowę

floor plan – plan pomieszczeń

to comply with – być w zgodzie z

building inspector – inspektor nadzoru budowlanego

requirements – wymogi, wymagania

water supply – zaopatrzenie w wodę

sewage – ścieki kanalizacyjne

quality over quantity – jakość nad ilość

contractor – wykonawca robót

construction schedule – harmonogram robót budowlanych

to stay on track – tu: trzymać się planu, iść zgodnie z planem

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